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        Speaking [Dan 8:13]


        “How long will it take for the vision to be fulfilled—the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, the rebellion that causes desolation, and the surrender of the sanctuary and of the host that will be trampled underfoot?” [Dan 8:13]



        “Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of the vision.” [Dan 8:16]


        “It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.” [Dan 8:14]

        While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one who looked like a man. [Dan 8:15]

        Gabriel moves closer to Daniel [Dan 8:17]




        The Goal of the Question

        Apparently, from the fact that the answer to the question was given to Daniel [Dan 8:14] and not to the inquirer [Dan 8:13], the goal of the question he is asking is not for himself but for Daniel.

        In other words, he is more or less saying,

        "Tell Daniel how long it will take for the vision to be fulfilled".

        Deducible Facts

        Some facts deducible from the above fact are

        1. The second Holy One asking the first knew the answer to the question he was asking.
        2. Both Holy Ones knew the answer to the question.
        3. The first Holy One who was told b[y the second Holy One to tell Daniel how long the vision will take must have been the same one who went closer to Daniel.

        “Gabriel's Words to Daniel”

        [Dan 8:17-26]

        Gabriel and the Other Holy One

        The Holy One instructing Gabriel is either,

        1. Superior to Gabriel or
        2. Equal to him

        Gabriel was already standing before Daniel.

        We deduced earlier that the inquiring Holy One was really telling the first angel to tell Daniel the duration of the events of the vision.

        Apparently, from the fact that the answer to the question was given to Daniel [Dan 8:14] and not to the inquirer [Dan 8:13], the goal of the question he is asking is not for himself but for Daniel.

        In other words, he is more or less saying,

        "Tell Daniel how long it will take for the vision to be fulfilled".

        Deducible Facts

        Some facts deducible from the above fact are

        1. The second Holy One asking the first knew the answer to the question he was asking.
        2. Both Holy Ones knew the answ

        Gabriel Standing Before Daniel

        I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one who looked like a man. [Dan 8:15]

        The goal of standing before Daniel must have been to get Daniel's attention.

        Daniel wasn't paying attention to the Holy Ones, instead, he had turned his attention to the vision and was trying to understand it. Clearly, however, from all that follows, the ones speaking to him was not done, therefore, Gabriel came forward to meet him.

        Apparently, as already pointed out, since the second holy one was more or less saying to the first holy one,

        "Tell Daniel how long it will take for the vision to be fulfilled".

        And since Daniel turned his attention away from them to the vision, the Angel standing in front of Daniel must have been the same angel talking to him.


        Some facts deducible from the above fact are

        1. The first holy one told Daniel the duration of the vision
        2. Daniel turned his attention back to the vision. However, there was still more to tell Daniel,
        3. Therefore, seeing that he was not paying attention to him, the first holy one who just spoke to Daniel approached him,
        4. Daniel's attention is once again turned to the Holy One whom he could now see
        5. The second holy one calls the first holy one now standing before Daniel Gabriel and asks him to "Tell this man the meaning of the vison" [Dan 8:16]

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